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Colour Up your July Garden

July is traditionally thought of as the height of our British Summer, and for only the first time since the Second World War have some of our traditional Summer events been cancelled. So, this year we’ll all have to have to imagine ourselves at either Wimbledon, Hampton Court Flower Show or The Proms.

You may though prefer to picture yourself in a quintessentially British Summer Garden, and if you do, I bet you see beds of jumbled up Cottage Garden favourites, jostling with each other for space and competing with their colour and scent!

Actually, July in the garden can be somewhat different! It’s a bit of a green month; sometimes providing a bit of a lull between the fresh greens and colours of Spring and the more intense colours that come with those plants flowering in late Summer. So, if you’re feeling a bit jaded in this heat and your garden is too, here are some ideas for planting to pick you up in this July gap!

Lavender – the colour seems more intense than usual this month and I wonder if the wet spell we had has helped to lock in the colour and scent! It typically likes dry conditions. Shear off the flower stems after they have flowered and then shear again in the Spring to keep the bushes compact as they are prone to getting leggy and woody.

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