Search Results for claire coutinho

Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – January 2021

It was the privilege of my life to be elected as your Member of Parliament just over a year ago. From dealing with the pandemic, securing more money for pothole filling, and protecting the Surrey Hills, to assisting with local businesses and supporting the Chancellor with the Covid-19 economic response in my role as PPS to HM Treasury, last year was certainly a busy start. As a newbie MP, still learning the ropes, I wanted to make myself as accessible as possible last year. I hosted surgeries in the Westway Centre, worked with the Caterham Flood Action Group, and heard from our young people in local schools. I also carried out virtual constituency visits, held remote surgeries, and hosted Facebook Live Q&As. But this year I hope to meet many more of you in person.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – December 2020

One of the reasons I supported this second lockdown was extensive talks with East Surrey Hospital and our local NHS Trust and looking at the most reliable data which, in my view, is hospital admissions. It was clear that our elective surgery, including endoscopies, was at risk. I have spoken to Victoria Robinson, too, from Cancer Research, and she outlined her concerns about delays in diagnoses and some people's reluctance to speak with their doctors. As your local MP, I just want to emphasise that if you have existing medical appointments and check-ups, you should continue to attend them. And if you find anything irregular when carrying out self-checks or if you think you need to speak to your doctor about a medical issue – no matter how small – you can and should do so as normal. The NHS is there to serve you – and it remains fully operational. I do want to leave you in no doubt, though, that I am deeply against fighting the virus with lockdowns in the long term. That's why I sought – and received – assurances that, on 2 December, our exit from lockdown in East Surrey will be judged on our local rate of infection, not on a national 'R' rate.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – November 2020

As part of my work with the East of Surrey Local Economic Taskforce that I established in June to support the local economy has made a lot of progress this month, I visited Gatwick Airport last week to discuss the challenges they're currently facing and what I can do to help. I recently wrote to the Transport Secretary this month to ask him to consider Gatwick's suggestion to replace or shorten quarantining with an approach centred around testing. I’m very pleased that the Government has since set up the Global Travel Taskforce, which will operate in collaboration with the transport industry, the tourism and local business sectors, and the private testing sector, as well as engaging with partners from governments across the globe. It will consider what steps Britain can take to enable the safe and sustainable recovery of international travel – an industry on which I know so many local jobs and livelihoods in Caterham depend. Two weeks ago, neighbouring MP Crispin Blunt and I also met with the Minister for Skills, Gillian Keegan MP, to push for £2.5 million for East Surrey College’s Advanced Technology Centre. This proposal is even more vital considering the need to skill up our young people into the jobs of the future. The meeting was very constructive, and both Crispin and I were encouraged by the Minister’s positive response, and we will continue to work hard on getting this funding.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – October 2020

As someone who used to work in education and social justice policy, I was delighted to see the Prime Minister focus on skills this week, announcing a package worth over £1.5 billion across further and higher education to help get people working again after Covid-19, as well as giving those in work the chance to train for higher-skilled, better-paid jobs.

The Local Economic Taskforce that I established in June is pushing to secure funding for East Surrey College’s bid for an Advance Technology Centre, which will be important in ensuring that educational provision locally meets the current demand. The Taskforce is also lobbying to increase our employment support, preferably with a new JobCentre+ in Gatwick to help aviation workers. I also met with the CEO of the airport recently to convey my deep concerns about the current situation and pressed him on the need to protect as many jobs as possible. I know that the livelihoods of so many local people depend on the airport or related industries, so this is a top priority for me.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – August 2020

During the lockdown we saw an amazing upswell in community spirit. This month I’ve been working with five MPs from right across the country exploring how we can further support and empower our communities. Thank you to those who have take part in my Community Survey on my website. This week I was also delighted to host a meeting between Danny Kruger MP – who has been appointed by the Prime Minister to lead on this issue and previously led work for David Cameron and Theresa May - and community leaders in East Surrey including representatives from the inspirational Westway Centre and Chaldon Cares so they could feed in the successes and challenges they’ve faced on the ground. We hope to publish initial findings in the Autumn.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – September 2020

Last month, I was delighted to see the Caterham Beacon being lit to honour the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day. As we continue to come out of the pandemic I hope to see many more of you soon.

As part of my attempt to have 'a Green-tember' - a month focussed on environment issues - I will be litter-picking with Caterham residents on the 5th September. I will also be hosting a virtual Q&A on the Environment for East Surrey residents on 28th September at 10.15am with Zac Goldsmith, Minister for the Environment, and long-standing Green champion in Parliament.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – July 2020

Over the past month the Government has been relaxing social distancing measures as the number of new COVID-19 infections fall.

I am sure many of you will be as delighted as I am with the news that from the fourth of July the UK will be opening-up with the new safety guidance.
This is great news particularly for families who can now reunite and for many local businesses that will be allowed to open.

Hotels, campsites, restaurants, pubs, outdoor gyms and hairdressers will be allowed to open but must follow the relevant safety guidance to protect staff and customers. Social distancing should now be maintained at 1m where 2m is not feasible.

Children's playgrounds are also opening. This is a very welcome development because interacting with other children is a key part of any child's development and these playgrounds are so important for people who don't have gardens.

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Message from Claire Coutinho East Surrey MP – June 2020

Claire Coutinho MP commented: “As the lockdown begins to ease, my priority is helping to get our businesses back on their feet. I am speaking to Tandridge District Council and Surrey County Council, the LEP, and local business groups to make plans to restore our thriving high streets and small business sector. I know many Caterham businesses have benefited from the unprecedented business support packages, but many will now need help to adapt and also support from residents to buy local. A huge amount of work is happening within Government to create guidance for different sectors to operate within social distancing rules. I will continue to work to keep you updated. Please do contact me if there are businesses you would like me to promote or help. Our local economy thrives because of the hard graft and dynamism of our small businesses – that’s why I’m here to support them as best I can.”

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Claire Coutinho – East Surrey MP

We spoke to Claire Coutinho a few days ago and asked her about her recent appointment as Parliamentary Private Secretary at the Treasury. Claire Coutinho will join the Department as a parliamentary aide as it prepares for the Budget on March 11th.

She addressed the fact that she knew local residents may be slightly concerned about her role at the Treasury but she would like to reassure the local community that she is extremely committed to East Surrey and is looking forward to her more travelling surgeries within the area this month.

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