Louise D'Costa, editor

Louise D'Costa, editor

Letter from the Editor December 2021

Well, we have made it through another year! Are you finding it hard to believe that 2021 is almost over? It is even harder for me to believe that my team and I have just celebrated two years at the helm. I bought the paper, and took over as editor, in December 2019, knowing that the first 24 months of any new business can be really tricky, but without any idea of what 2020 was going to throw at us!
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Letter from the Editor November 2021

Welcome to the November edition of the Caterham Independent. Are you an early planner, or a leave-it-til-the-last-moment kind of Christmas shopper? After talking to lots of friends and colleagues, I think people are fairly evenly split between the two. I am sure that some of you have already got your gifts wrapped, and have ordered your turkey, while the rest of you are even refusing to think about all that until at least halfway through November.
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Work Experience Programme

The Caterham and District Independent are passionate about supporting and encouraging both local journalism and young journalism. Growing I didn’t have many opportunities to pursue my love for journalism and hence in recent months we have launched our work experience programme. Whether you’re in primary school, just started secondary, taking your A Levels, off to university or just returned, if your passion is writing please contact us. Megan Denton did just that and due to her love for politics we set up an interview with her and our local East Surrey MP, Claire Coutinho. Megan also spent some time in the office with us seeing and participating in the process in the run up to printing.

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