An introduction to tastelife

By tastelife

A course for people with eating disorders or control issues around food and their friends and families

What is the tastelife course? 

The tastelife course is an accredited eight-session course of weekly two-hour sessions for a group of sufferers of eating disorders and their carers or supporters.

Who is it for? 

People struggling with eating disorders or control issues around food and/or their carers and supporters.

Who runs it? 

Trained volunteers run the course. All are accredited by the University of Brighton Health Sciences REQ. Many have had personal experience of eating disorders in one way or another. It was written by an experienced eating disorder counsellor, Mrs Jean Hart, a mother of sufferers of anorexia and bulimia, and Mrs Di Archer, with medical trainer and GP advisor Dr Ros Simpson. The course has been running successfully around the UK over recent years and is now available in your area.

Why tastelife? 

This course fills a gap in support and treatment for those with eating disorders. It is non-threatening, educational, supportive and encourages a self-help approach that works. Being part of a group facilitates personal development and encourages sufferers to work with their carers and supporters for change.


The course aims to inform people about eating disorders and suggest ways of leaving them behind. Eating disorders are often a symptom of deeper problems and while this is not an indepth course to discover and deal with these underlying issues fully, it goes a long way to equipping participants with understanding and coping strategies.

The course uses interactive methods to involve people, and CBT and motivational methods to explain how to make changes in baby steps towards health and wholeness. It is an experience that offers a way forward, and puts the steering wheel firmly in the hands of the sufferer.


  • Group size up to 16. Suitable for ages 14+ (U18s accompanied by an adult). 
  • Regular attendance essential for progress and continuity
  • All resources provided each week
  • Methods include: stories of recovery, group discussion, exercises for awareness and understanding, and a log of thoughts and ideas. Reading material given, tasks for progress chosen by participant
  • Donation of £5 per participant requested to cover costs. tastelife is a charity
  • tastelife has a whole person approach and is based on Christian principles but is not actively promoting the Christian faith. It is suitable and sensitive to those of any faith or none

When is it? 

The Caterham tastelife course will start on Thursday, 19 September. Healthcare professionals and volunteer helpers are welcome if supporting a sufferer.

For any information about this course visit tastelife’s website or contact

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