Volunteers celebrated at Surrey reception

By Jeremy Webster, divisional councillor for Surrey

Every two years, the chair of Surrey County Council hosts an event at County Headquarters to celebrate the work of volunteers throughout Surrey. On 15 May, volunteers from Caterham joined with 55 others from across the county to share experiences, enjoy a fine lunch provided by Mandira’s Kitchen, which is based at Silent Pool near Guildford, and watch a display of traditional dancing by Thamalinka.

This was in tune with the theme for Cllr Saj Hussain’s SCC chairmanship, “Celebrating Diverse Communities’. Cllr Hussain said:

“Surrey is a beautiful and richly diverse, varied and multinational county, with residents from a range of backgrounds and cultures, as well as those with diverse abilities and needs. I want to support these communities and shine a light on the fantastic work that they are doing.”

As county councillor for Caterham Hill, I do my best to stay in tune with the work of volunteers throughout my division of Caterham and Chaldon and, where possible, support the organisations they represent through grants, which I am able to make from my members’ allowances.

For this event, I invited eight volunteers from across my division, six of whom were able to attend. These included volunteers involved in organisations such as the Scouts and Brownies – the latter to whom I have allocated a grant to enable them to buy new camping equipment. I also invited the head of The Bourne Society, which is the biggest local history society in the county, and others who answer the call locally whenever an event needs help.

I am pleased to say Caterham Hill was well represented at the event and the picture exudes the happy spirit generated as the volunteers celebrated together after the event with partners and friends.

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