Mindworks Surrey celebrates its third birthday

By Ella Kirk, communications assistant apprentice at Surrey and Borders

April saw the third birthday of Mindworks Surrey, the emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children and young people in Surrey.

Over the last year, the service has supported nearly 26,000 children and young people and provided more than 73,450 individual treatment sessions in a range of different community settings. This includes support in schools, crisis interventions, support for care leavers and children in care, and neurodevelopmental services.

Mindworks Surrey is made up of an alliance of partners, led by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and including Barnardo’s, the National Autistic Society, Learning Space, The Surrey Wellbeing Partnership, and The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.

Jess Thom, Mindworks director said: “As demand for our services increases, we strive to continue to support those within Surrey, working together within our partnership to see more children and young people across Surrey in schools, at home, and in local communities.”

Mindworks was introduced in 2021 as an innovative new way to deliver a broad range of mental health and wellbeing services for children and young people in Surrey under one umbrella. Prior to this, NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and other emotional and mental health services were contracted and delivered separately. The Mindworks Surrey model was designed after extensive engagement with people using these services. It provides a more extensive and diverse offer for children and young people, thanks to a wide range of partners and charities working together. The name was chosen by children, young people and their families and professionals.

The Mindworks Surrey website offers a wealth of information and resources, following engagement with children, young people and their families and professionals. This includes a neurodevelopmental needs area that has strategy packs, flashcards, and workshops to support children and young people who have or have suspected attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). There are resources on managing emotions, including exam stress, and also a dedicated page for parents.

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