Community hub wins national award

By Aaron Sugg

Local charity the Whyteleafe Community Hub was recently awarded the lead group at silver level in the ‘It’s Your Station’ category at the 19th Community Rail Awards

The hub’s submission to the awards focused on how Whyteleafe Station is the base for their food hub operations: a weekly food package program for those experiencing temporary financial hardship, run and managed by local volunteers.

Chairman of the hub Sarah-Dawn Parker said:

“We are absolutely thrilled that the Whyteleafe Community Hub was recognised at the Community Rail Awards. 

Our food hub program is such an important part of our work. Having the operations run from Whyteleafe Station has been so key in keeping it going.”

Helping at the food bank

Josy Goldsmith, a volunteer at the food hub who has lived in Whyteleafe for 20 years, as well as growing up in the area, joined the community hub two years ago.

She said: “We are a small blip compared to the other contenders we were up against, but because we have such dedicated volunteers playing these key support roles I have seen how beneficial it has been for everybody in the community, including ourselves.”

The food hub’s supplies are a combination of food and toiletries funded by the charity, and donations from the local community. 

Kenley Primary School is an example of this. Instead of paying their usual pound to dress up in their own clothes for a spring term mufti day, they brought in Easter eggs. These were then given to the hub, which distributed them to local families.

Anne Marie Young, a food hub volunteer, said:

“We always love it when we see pictures from the donation points. It is lovely to see something from the community going back into the community.”

The Community Rail Awards submission also highlighted the Whyteleafe Garden Group, a sub-section of the Whyteleafe Community Hub, whose members dedicate their time to brightening up Whyteleafe and its railway station with a pop of greenery.

The garden group have put up planters on the platforms, decorated a corner of the station called ‘June’s Garden’, and have maintained the surrounding areas of the car park. 

Sarah-Dawn said:

“Our garden group volunteers have also worked tirelessly to make Whyteleafe Station beautiful, through all the planting they have done.”

Food hub volunteer Josy waters flowers at the station

Silvia, a garden group volunteer, moved to Whyteleafe 15 years ago and values the sense of community there.

“That is, for me, one of Whyteleafe’s major attractions. I hope we can encourage other train stations to beautify their community areas. It’s not just gardening, it’s a get together of like-minded people who want to take care of the area we all share.”

The award recognised the important work carried out by those in community rail, often volunteers, who work across Britain’s rail network to make stations welcoming spaces for passengers and visitors alike.

The awards’ gala presentation evening was held at the Swansea Arena on Monday, 18 March, where attendees were showcased and celebrated for the incredible range of work they do and the difference they make in their communities.

The hub’s award was collected by Whyteleafe Community HUB founder Sara Jones, hub volunteer June Henty, and Ramla Abshir-Slevin, the manager of Whyteleafe Station. 

“I am so proud that all our volunteers have been recognised,” said Sarah-Dawn. “We all live here together, so let’s work together to make Whyteleafe a better place.”

Anne Marie and Josy, food hub volunteers, with Sarah-Dawn Parker, chairman of
Whyteleafe Community Hub
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