Local photographs raising money for Caterham museum

Countryside management volunteer Martin DeFreitas, who goes by the name ‘Urban Countryman’ online, has produced a series of photographs of the local area to raise money for East Surrey Museum in Caterham.

Every picture is mounted on card ready for framing and has an inscription on the back telling you where it was taken. Each measures 6in x 8in (mounts are 8in x 10in), and costs £5.

“A number of people have been enquiring about buying photographs and when East Surrey Museum contacted me about using my photos to expand the offering in their shop it was the perfect opportunity to also raise money for our lovely local museum,” says Martin.  “Hopefully, it will also encourage some people who have never visited to do so.”

In his announcement on social media at the end of April, he also thanked those who helped him bring his idea to fruition: Hilary Hopkinson, ‘for producing the finished product, which looks amazing’, and Richard Hopkinson, ‘for the wonderful script on the back’.

Peter Connolly, curator at East Surrey Museum, said,

“It’s great to have such beautiful reminders of what a lovely part of the world we live in. They are an excellent fit for the museum shop, and have already proved very popular, particularly with some of our international visitors who no doubt will be taking them home as gifts or souvenirs of their visit.”

East Surrey Museum is on Stafford Road in Caterham. Visit the website for opening times and more information. 

East Surrey Museum
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