News from Caterham, Oxted and Godstone Lions – March 2023

By Peter Drysdale

The social aspect of Caterham, Oxted & Godstone Lions Club has been slightly more to the fore this month. Members enjoyed an informal fish & chips supper social recently, with a speaker from Oxted-based charity Clockwork. These dedicated people help youngsters with depression and anxiety get through them and have steered some away from trying to take their own lives. It’s a worrying reality that our young people were affected by the pandemic, as well as by the modern ‘online 24/7’ culture which unfortunately exists today. The club will look at how we might support Clockwork in the future. 

Coming up in April is one of our biggest fund-raising events of the year, the Big Concert at Caterham School and, back by popular demand, is tribute band Abba Chique. Their last visit saw the audience dancing in the aisles and singing along, so if Abba is one of your favourites, why not book your tickets now?  

We are always on the lookout for new people to join the club: more members means we can do more things to help the local community. However, we do understand how the pressures of modern life and working may make people feel they don’t have time to join a club and give it the attention they would like. If that’s you, why not consider volunteering to help us with our projects at times that are convenient to you? You don’t have to ‘sign up’ to a specific number of events, but any help you could give would be gratefully received. 

We were fortunate to have 35 people volunteer to help with the Father Christmas Collection and during the year we have the Swimathon, Godstone Bank Holiday Fete and the aforementioned Abba Concert – all these activities would benefit from a few more pairs of hands (plus there’s all the social events to which you would be unreservedly invited!).  Helping at Lions events gives such a feeling of satisfaction all round and you would never be left to cope on your own – we’d be with you all the way (and you would be covered by our insurance!).

To find out more about your local Lions club, visit our website or call Lion Tony on 01883 335945. We also have a minibus available for hire – contact Lion David on 01342 893353. 

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