All-abilities track opens at Warlingham nature reserve

Despite the weather doing its best to ruin the occasion, Blanchman’s Farm Local Nature Reserve officially opened its new all-abilities trackway in February. The new path means wheelchair and mobility scooter users, as well as those pushing buggies, can now easily enjoy the beautiful space.

The new trackway
Part of the new track

The trackway, which was opened by Sue Farr, vice chairman of Tandridge District Council, and Denise Turner-Stuart, deputy leader, and cabinet member for customer and communities, at Surrey County Council, has been built with passing places along the way, as well as tactile paving stones where it branches off in a different direction, which allows people with visual impairments to traverse it safely. New recycled plastic benches are being installed, and the next phase of the project will include grass and wildflower planting, marker posts being erected at points of interest, and the production of a new information leaflet and a downloadable audio commentary to accompany walkers on their visit.

A group of people standing in a field under umbrellas in the rain
Rain did not stop play!

Cllr Jeremy Pursehouse, who is also chairman of the reserve, took interested parties on a short tour, stopping intermittently to explain a little of the history and evolution of the site. He later said he has seen an increase in first-time users since the new track came into use.

To find out more, or to become a Blanchman’s Farm volunteer, visit their website or Facebook page.

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