Dame Kelly opens new sports centre

Double Olympic gold medallist Dame Kelly Holmes MBE visited Caterham School on Tuesday, 27 February, to open their new sports centre.

She watched junior students from Caterham and other partner junior schools take part in an indoor athletics session, before they were given the opportunity to ask her questions. She then visited the performance gym, meeting the school’s GCSE and A level sports students as they trained, and holding a Q&A session about physical and mental health, as well as her career.

Dame Kelly Holmes sits in front of a group of students in a gym. A man sits to her right
Dame Kelly talks to the students in the new gym (Photo courtesy of Caterham School)

Afterwards, head teacher Ceri Jones introduced Dame Kelly to the crowd of pupils, teaching staff and special guests that had gathered, and she gave a short speech, outlining the importance of sport for all. She then officially opened the centre, cutting the giant gold ribbon that adorned the building’s balcony, accompanied by biodegradable gold confetti cannons. 

Dame Kelly Holmes stands with her back to four students in sports gear, holding her two Olympic gold medals
Dame Kelly shows the students her gold medals (Photo courtesy of Caterham School)

The Tandridge Independent spoke with Dame Kelly after the opening. She said:

“This is a fantastic facility for the students and will give them lots of opportunities which I encourage them to take up. It was great seeing girls working with weights in the fitness suite, something which is often seen as a male environment. 

Sport is for everybody, no matter what level you play at, and it’s so important that schools are able to encourage and support all their pupils to take part and realise what they are capable of. Sport teaches you so much, including mental resilience and teamwork, which are skills you will be able to use in later life.

Challenge yourself, work hard and be the best you can be!”

After her Olympics win, Dame Kelly set up the Dame Kelly Holmes Trust, which sees world class athletes working with disadvantaged young people, to equip them with winning mindsets and help them move forward with confidence and live positive lives. 

A building, with the sign Sports Centre on it. It has a long black outlined window, and a brick flower bed in front of it
The new sports centre (Photo courtesy of Caterham School)
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