Caterham Probus Club: a place for fellowship

In 1965, Harold Blanchard, the chair of the Vocational Services Committee of the Rotary Club of Caterham, put forward the idea for a new initiative: a place for the retired professional and businessmen of the town to come together for ‘fellowship and social activities on a regular basis’. He felt this would give the men, who may not have had much time to get involved with the local community while they were working, the opportunity to meet, make friends and expand their interests. 

Enthusiastically received, the name Probus was agreed on for the established club, derived from the words ‘professional’ and ‘business’. In March 1966, the first Caterham Probus Club meeting, with 35 members attending, took place at the Valley Hotel, which no longer exists, having been demolished in 1988 to make way for Church Walk Shopping Centre. A blue plaque marking the spot can be seen to the left of Specsavers, and commemorative plaques of Harold Blanchard are found in nearby St John’s Church and Soper Hall.

Caterham Probus Club continued to grow in popularity, with the membership waiting list so large at one point that the Tandridge Probus Club was formed to keep up with demand. Today there are approximately 1,700 clubs across the UK, with thousands more across the world.

The Caterham Probus Club Christmas lunch
Caterham Probus Club members are entertained by magician Lee Burridge during their Christmas lunch

The Probus Club of Caterham is always keen to welcome new members. It is open to all retired and semi-retired business and professional men, as well as women, who were welcomed into the club six years ago. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at Surrey National Golf Club in Chaldon and comprise time to socialise, a short business meeting and a two-course lunch, followed by a speaker, who is chosen to provide a talk on a diverse range of interesting subjects. There is also a programme of varied and entertaining social activities that take place around the district, along with trips further afield. In 2024, these include an outing to see the musical Guys & Dolls in London, and a short break in Bournemouth. 

Visit their website for more information on membership.

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