An Inspiring Place for Under 5s to Learn and Explore

Learning when you are under five is an adventure. Hazelwood is extremely fortunate to have an incredible amount of outdoor space to bring this adventure to life for all our 180+ children. A forest school, a large outdoor adventure play area, a sensory room, a new sandpit and an impressive playing field ensure that children have the space, freedom, encouragement, and wealth of appropriate activities to develop into well-rounded young children who are confident and ready for anything.

We believe strongly that we are laying the foundations for a child’s lifelong learning journey. We provide every child with the best possible start, where we foster a real love of learning and thirst for knowledge that will see them through their whole nursery and school career, and beyond.

None of this would be possible without creating an environment that allows the children to feel confident in everything that they do. From the moment the staff meet the children they begin to build positive relationships. Children are invited to settling-in sessions during which parents remain with the children. Positive relationships built on trust between staff, children, and parents are essential in creating an environment where children can thrive.

Parents receive weekly planning overviews so they can see what the children will be doing throughout the week. All our rooms have individual key group planning which identifies the next steps for each individual child. All activities are planned to inspire and challenge children. We want them to take risks in an environment that they feel safe and secure in, in the knowledge that there are trusted adults to support them and help them learn from their mistakes. This, in turn, helps develop emotional resilience that is critical to future success.

Every member of staff has an unshakeable belief in the potential of every child. We believe each child is unique and their individual needs are always considered. At our nursery there really is something for everyone. Days are planned around the children’s interests and the breadth of additional opportunities are outstanding. The children have specialist music and PE lessons from rising 3s and children from pre-school age can use the prep school facilities, such as the 15m indoor pool and our innovative indoor and outdoor learning space the BOX, complete with wigwam.

We are truly proud of what we offer children at our outstanding nursery. We believe that in the right environment, where young people feel loved, happy, and safe, they will enjoy learning.

Hazelwood Nursery and Early Years was recently voted ‘Most Nurturing Nursery in South East England’, by LUX Life magazine.

Places are still available for children 18+ months. Call today to book a tour: 01883 714171

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