Is 2024 the year you get your voice heard across Tandridge?

Happy new year! We know it’s already the fifth of January but the TI team has been so busy getting children back to school, taking down decorations and getting back into the swing of working that we haven’t had time to post before now! We hope all our readers had a happy and peaceful break.

Having not published a paper in January we are now raring to go on our February issue – and we want to hear from you! What are you going to be up to in 2024?

We’d love to hear about your plans for the coming year in Tandridge – are you a charity or social enterprise about to embark on a new fund-raising campaign? Are you setting up a new organisation aimed at helping people in the district? Or perhaps you have a personal issue that you’re determined to tackle this year.

Whatever it is, we’d love to give you a voice in the paper – we’re increasing to 24 pages from our next edition – so we’ve got lots of space to fill!

Get in touch now.

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