Can you help Hurst Green celebrate Christmas?

By Abi Chapman, founder of The Accessibility Project

I hope you are well and looking forward to Christmas! It’s a week and a half to go until our Community Christmas Celebration: all the preparation we have to do is a little daunting, but I know we will have the best day! 

For those of you who don’t know, the Christmas Community Celebration was set up in 2022 in remembrance of a young Hurst Green man who lost his life at the start of the year. Joseph embodied the spirit of Christmas, bringing light, love and acceptance of all wherever he went.

2023’s initiative runs in two parts. The first is our Christmas present giveaway. Santa will be handing out gift bags to all the children, and then we’ll have some elves helping us distribute some to the adults too. The second part is the event itself, the celebration. We’re inviting people to spend time together, create crafts, have a chat and a drink. All free of charge! 

This year, we have had amazing support from Titsey Rotary, local councillors, Track 1 Coffee Shop, HG & Edenbridge Hygiene Bank, St John’s Church, the Tandridge Independent and many more! We have also raised £650 on our Just Giving page, but we want to see if we can get that any higher before we close it on Friday morning!

You can donate here – any money that is left over after the event will be put into local community groups. 

While the event is free for everybody, we do need to know how many people are coming, so please ‘buy’ your tickets here!

How else you can help

  • Could you be a volunteer? We need people to help with setting up beforehand, and clearing away afterwards, as well as people to help during the session itself. It’s going to be a great event, so if you’d like to be part of it, please get in touch on
  • If anybody has any old or spare Christmas decorations, we would love to be able to make use of them. It will save us money, and make the hall feel more Christmassy!

Thank you everybody,


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