What do you do with your Tandridge Independent?

By Sky-Brooke, junior reporter

What do you do with your old Tandridge Independent newspapers? I expect most of them end up in your recycling bin, but this summer I discovered a few other things that you can do with them!

My friend and I visited The Lost Sheep in Caterham, where the fabulous Sally and Louise showed us how to make some gorgeous paper bags out of old copies of our newspaper. It was such a simple and fun thing to do, and the end result was an effective bag, perfect for carrying light items. The next time you visit The Lost Sheep on Croydon Road, please ask Sally how it’s done: I’m sure she would be happy to explain!

Alternatively, perhaps you could eat your Friday supper out of one? Our local fish and chip shop, Danny’s in Coulsdon, recently used our old papers to wrap up all its customers’ orders!

Thirdly, why not use it for wrapping presents? If somebody you know has a birthday coming up, don’t waste money on new wrapping paper: you can save money and help the environment by reusing an old copy of the Tandridge Independent! (Doing this also means that every present you give will be uniquely wrapped, as each page is different!)

What else do you use your Tandridge Independent for? Message us with your recycling ideas: newsdesk@tandridgeindependent.com.

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