Ridge Radio – Presenter of the Month – January 2021

Ridge Radio is Tandridge's local community radio station. Broadcasting from its studio in Soper Hall, Caterham, it is staffed by 48 volunteer presenters. To listen, download the free mobile app, ask any Alexa-enabled device to install and then enable Ridge Radio, or visit www.ridgeradio.co.uk and click 'Listen Live'.

This month, our Presenter in the Spotlight is Bob Angel. His show is called 'Simply Country', and you can hear it on Tuesday evenings, from 17:00 to 19:00,

How and when did you get involved with Ridge Radio?

I became involved with Ridge from the very beginning, when I joined a public meeting at the ARC, Caterham to discuss the possibility of starting a local community radio station. At that time, the name of the station was going to be Caterham Radio, but after much discussion it was agreed that the name would be Ridge Radio. This was to make sure it represented the whole of the Tandridge area, rather than just Caterham.

I was the first presenter to take to the airwaves, on the 1 April 2011. In fact, at the time I took a holiday from my job, just so I could be in the studio broadcasting a show for most of the first week!

What sort of music do you play?

I have done various types of music over the years from an oldies show ('It's Yesterday Once More'), a rock show ('Rock on the Ridge'), and then a mix-up show of old and new music, with a teenage co-presenter. Now, I do a country show called 'Simply Country'. On the show I play indie country, classic country, Americana and Irish country music, and the show is syndicated to six other stations worldwide.

Do you go to concerts and who did you last see?

My partner Julia and I love live music! We go to as many as we can fit in: sometimes it is like we are never at home. From going to live gigs, we started to sponsor the main stage at a blues/rock gig that took place over a weekend in Kent. That led us to putting on live music shows at St Lawrence's Church, in Caterham, with the proceeds going towards the upkeep of this wonderful 11th century church.

If you could meet any musician, either living or deceased, who would you choose and why?

This would have to be the Beatles (sorry, not just one of them, it's all four), because I feel they are one of the biggest influences on popular music and really pushed the boundaries in their later recordings.

Apart from Ridge Radio do you have any spare time for hobbies?

Because Julia and I love promoting live music we are so looking forward to starting again this year: naturally, when it is safe to do so!

I like making things at home, and I also really like photography. Taking live gig pictures is one of my passions, along with pictures of architecture and the world around me.

What sort of things do you make?

Scale dioramas, I have been into plastic model making since I was a kid. It's great to bring a plastic model to life by putting it into a three-dimensional setting as a whole. I also dabble in making jewellery.

What is your most treasured possession?

I don't really have a treasured possession, but I treasure are my family and friends, because the support and love you get from them is priceless.

What is your favourite time of the day and why?

I don't really have one, but I love long summer evenings with family or friends. Sunsets and sunrises are best.

In your opinion, what is the most beautiful place on earth?

A difficult question to answer but I would have to say the here and now, because life is not a rehearsal and you only get one shot at it. You only die once but you live every day, so make the most of it.

What is the most daring thing you have ever done?

I don't know about daring but one of the things that made me most nervous was being featured on a Sky TV programme about hobbies.

If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?

I don't really want to be anyone else! I'm happy with my life and understand that you can only be happy if you stop looking over the fence, because then you realise just how lucky you.

Finally, what advice would you give to an aspiring radio presenter?

Be yourself, enjoy what you are doing, and if you don't have anything to say, let the music say it for you. And remember, have fun and if it stops being fun: stop!

Ridge Radio are always looking for presenters. If you would like to get involved, email Andy Mac – andy@ridgeradio.co.uk – for more information.


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