Ridge Radio – Presenter of the Month – December 2020

Ridge Radio broadcasts from Soper Hall in Caterham Valley, we have 48 volunteer presenters broadcasting 24/7 over the internet.
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This month we would like to introduce you to our December Presenter in the Spotlight, Freddie Onadeko, his show is Monday evening from 9:00pm to 11:00pm called The Monday Night Slowdown. We asked Freddie the following questions:

How did you get involved with Ridge Radio?
My close friend and fellow Ridge Radio presenter, Kat Henry, invited me as a guest on her show. We had such a good time that we decided to make it a regular once a month spot. (sadly, since Covid-19 I have not been able to guest on her show). Kat told me there were some slots available for a new presenter on Ridge Radio and suggested that I might want to try my hand at it. I did my training and a few shows with Andy our Station Manager and then he let me loose on the airwaves. Since then, Monday nights from 9-11pm are my domain.

What sort of music do you play?
Anything that’s soulful or soul inspired. Smooth music to ease my listeners into the rest of the week after a busy Monday. This music connects me with my late father. He would always impress upon me how soul is at the root of so many other musical genres. For example, Elton John’s ‘I Want Love’ is a pop song in nature but when you listen to it the influence of soul music and RnB is undeniable.

Who is your favourite artist or group?
Oh gosh, I can’t answer that. That would be like asking which is my favourite child. I will say that my favourite period of music would be early 90s RnB. Artists like Boyz II Men, Usher, Jon B, Brandy and Mary J Blige sang the soundtrack of my childhood.

What is your daytime job?
I’m a photographer and also work for a local government authority. My photography is geared towards making people fall in love with themselves all over again. No matter who you are, you deserve to be reminded of how beautiful you are.

Apart from Ridge Radio do you have any spare time for hobbies?
I’m an avid gamer and reader. I’m currently re-reading a lot of Malorie Blackman as there’s been a lot of quiet time due to lockdown. For me, there’s nothing more relaxing than delving into another reality, from farfetched government conspiracies to civil unrest in galaxies far far away, that’s where you’ll find me.

What TV series have you recently binge watched?
Well since the first lockdown, I have managed to binge, Suits, Grey’s Anatomy and I’ve just started on Criminal Minds. It really lends itself to my fascination with the hunt for serial killers and those types of true crime stories. There are also a lot of interesting true crime podcasts available to listen to in the background while you work.

What is your favourite time of the day and why?
I’m quite nocturnal so any time after 11pm is brilliant for me. Late at night is when I’m most creative and when I do my best thinking. It’s quite common for me to be waking up at 3am or just going to sleep at that time. I’m definitely a night owl.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a pilot like my Father, I was in awe of how distinguished he looked in his uniform and would often rifle through his flight bag for the duty-free Toblerone’s that I knew he had secreted away. After an episode of LA Law one night I then wanted to be a lawyer but thankfully I found my love for photography and haven’t looked back since.

If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
My cat Neo, he seems to have a very cushy life. Sleeps till noon comes and goes as he pleases and is waited on hand and foot.

Finally, what advice would you give to an aspiring radio presenter?
All I would say is give it a try. It’s a really fun way to spend a few hours a week. And getting feedback from people who enjoy your show is a fantastic mood lifter. Find your voice and you won’t go wrong. Being part of a team at Ridge Radio is great because of the support and encouragement you receive. If you’ve been harbouring thoughts of getting behind the microphone, take the leap of faith and I’m confident that you’ll be glad you did.

Ridge Radio are always looking for presenters, if you might like to present a radio show, email Andy Mac at andy@ridgeradio.co.uk for more information.

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