Ridge Radio – Presenter of the Month – June 2020

Local radio station Ridge Radio broadcasts from Soper Hall in Caterham Valley, with 45 volunteer presenters it broadcasts 24/7 over the internet.
If you don’t already listen, here are a few easy ways to start. Go to the www.ridgeradio.co.uk and click ‘Listen Live’ or download the free App for either Apple or Android Mobile devices, this allows you to hear us anywhere in the country. At home, if you have an Alexa enabled device you can listen to us by asking it to ‘Install Ridge Radio’.
On the website is the Schedule Page with all of our shows and their broadcast time, with the current Covid-19 restrictions this may not be up to date but make a note of our Business, Sports and Chat Show times, or simply pick the type of music you prefer and tune in each week.
If you are a local Charity, have an interesting story to tell, or a Local Band or Artist, then please contact us to come in and share your music and interesting stories.
E-mail: info@ridgeradio.co.uk
This month we would like to introduce you to our May presenter in the spotlight, Lisa Hagger one half of the 80’s Revived Show on Saturdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm, we asked her the following questions.

How long have you been with Ridge Radio and what type of show do you present?
I have been with Ridge Radio on and off for more than 7 years – I cannot quite remember how long exactly! I started as a co-host, then took over on my own and presented an Indie Rock show. Now I present an 80’s show (80’s Revived) with my best friend Mandy.

What is the most daring thing you have ever done?
I am very boring; I haven’t really done anything daring! I suppose you could say presenting on Ridge, I was terrified when I started and left on my own. We did a festival one year and broadcast on FM for the day, that was quite nerve-wracking too!

What would you sing at a Karaoke night?
I’ve never sang Karaoke in my life, and never intend to!!!! I can’t sing anyway and the thought of getting up in front of people to do it terrifies me!

What fictional character would you be best friends with in real life?
The fictional character I’d be best friends in real life would have to be Harry Potter. Apart from dodging Voldemort the characters all look like they have brilliant fun and I’d love to be able to do magic!

If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?
If I could join any music group, it would have to be Terrorvison. My sister and I have followed them for years and their gigs are always so full of energy and fun, they always put in 110% – and I’d have to spend a lot of time with the lead singer Tony Wright which I wouldn’t complain about!

What song will you never forget the lyrics to?
Anything by Shakin’ Stevens. I was obsessed with him from about 8 years old and even now when I hear any of his songs, I still remember the words!

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
In a movie of my life I’d like Michelle Pfeiffer to play me. I’ve been a fan for many years, think she’s a great actress. Also, when I was a lot younger someone once told me I looked like her which I was over the moon about!

What song would you say best sums you up?
As corny as it sounds, I think the song that best sums me up is “I Will Survive”! I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster over the past few years, but each time something happens I bounce back and battle on.

What three items would you take with you on a desert island?
Three items I’d take on a desert island with me. If I could count my family as 1, then 2 would be an endless supply of white wine, then 3 would be a fully charged mobile so I could call to be rescued – I can’t be away too long, I’ve got a show to present!!

What’s your go-to dance move?
Go-to dance move – I used to be able to bop, did it to my Shakin’ Stevens records and I’m sure bust it out at a few wedding receptions!! Nowadays I just awkwardly shuffle from side to side and hope no one’s watching!


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