Virtual Scouting

Along with millions of people who have had to change their lifestyle, Scouts are no different. Scouting across Surrey has been continuing virtually, either by online meetings at the Scout/Explorer age or with challenges given to the Beavers and Cubs in the County.

The first challenge that the County issued was at the heart of Scouting and involved building a den, whether it was inside or outside in their garden, it was open to all.Cubs from every district in Surrey participated in what was a new first for the County.

In addition Bear Grylls, Chief Scout has said:-.
What extraordinary times we’re living in. Our hearts go out to every single family and community that’s been affected by this crisis. It’s really shone a spotlight on the incredible work our NHS and key workers do to look after us – you guys are heroes.

Like you, we’ve been adjusting to life in lockdown. We’ve been keeping our spirits up with family games, keeping to a routine, staying fit and learning new skills – I made a red velvet cake for my son’s 14th birthday (every bit as hard as climbing Everest!)

Why we’re heading into The Great Indoors
But the thing I’ve really noticed is how a crisis can bring out the best in people. That’s certainly true for Scouts. On the day schools closed, we launched #TheGreatIndoors – a brilliant collection over 150 activities for parents and carers to try at home with the children. You can find it at

There’s everything on there from den building to making your own hot air balloon. It’s about having fun and helping young people keep learning at home.

Face to face Scout meetings and activities are suspended at the moment to keep everyone safe. That’s especially tough for those young people for whom Scouts is a lifeline, in our hardest hit communities. But our volunteers don’t give up easily. And they’re as kind as they are resourceful. They’ve carried on by delivering virtual Scouting with weekly Skype and Zoom calls – helping Scouts continue to learn those great skills for life even while they’re at home.

Join our Hike to the Moon

Now we’re going one step further – a giant step further in fact. We’ve challenged every Scout, volunteer, parent and carer to hike to the moon!
As Scouts we make a promise to help other people. That’s why we decided to support BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief’s The Big Night In (on 23 April – St George’s Day – as special date for us Scouts) with this amazing endeavour.

It’s 240,000 miles to the moon. If we all hike at least one mile each (at home or in our garden – I’m doing mine in our garage!) make a donation or get sponsored, then we’re going to make it all the way to the moon. It’s also raising funds for the people and communities most impacted by the corona crisis. And guess what? Scouts have already been there – 11 of the 12 people to walk on the moon were Scouts.

Play your part
You can play your part too. Please take a look at our Just Giving page. If you can make a donation or hike a mile, you’ll be one of those heroes who can say that during lockdown, you went the extra mile and put Scouts back on the moon. Thank you.

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